Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Importance of Warming Up Prior To Playing Golf Essay - 1

The Importance of Warming Up Prior To Playing Golf - Essay Example While watching the sport of golf one needs to think about what planning and methodology happen before one really venturing onto the course to play. To the eye of a spectator, golf players will in general seem to move toward the game with a quiet lack of approachability and certainty. Indeed, even with this controlled face, there is absolutely a lot of amazing abilities at fill in just as arrangement to take on a game that requires an unreasonable measure of center for progress. Vital planning and pre-game warm up add to this certainty. In spite of the fact that the sport of golf seems a loose and laid back game it additionally in its own privilege can be serious, requiring incredible center, physical continuance, and brilliant perception aptitudes. So it is one must recognize what to do to get ready truly to collect this concentration and perform at top execution on the course while abstaining from injury.Warming up before a round of golf not just upgrades adaptability, it forestalls injury and improves one's’ game. By heating up ones’ body in any case close muscles are extended and protracted diminishing the opportunity of pulling and stressing while at the same time taking into account ideal execution during ones’ swing. In today’s society, golf players go in ages from teenagers up to seniors. Unquestionably, as we age our adaptability diminishes and our bone structure changes making more prominent difficulties genuinely. Age doesn't really need to be an impediment to one’s game. It is the methodology and readiness that must change. One must regard the body as a finely tuned instrument.

Friday, August 21, 2020

2011 Hurricane Names

2011 Hurricane Names 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 Underneath you will discover the posting of tropical storm names for the Atlantic Ocean for the year 2011. For consistently, there is a pre-endorsed rundown of typhoon and tropical storm names. These rundowns have been created by the National Hurricane Center since 1953. From the start, the rundowns comprised of just female names; in any case, since 1979, the rundowns shift back and forth among male and female. Typhoons are named in order from the rundown in sequential request. In this way the primary typhoon or tropical storm of the year has a name that starts with An and the second is given the name that starts with B. The rundowns contain tropical storm names that start from A to W, however avoid names that start with a Q or U. There are six records that keep on pivoting. The rundowns possibly change when there is a tropical storm that is so annihilating, the name is resigned and another typhoon name replaces it. Subsequently, the 2011 storm name list is equivalent to the 2005 typhoon name list albeit four tropical storm names were resigned after the staggering 2005 storm season so on the 2011 rundown Dennis was supplanted by Don, Katrina was supplanted by Katia, Rita was supplanted by Rina, Stan was supplanted Sean, and Wilma was supplanted by Whitney. 2011 Hurricane Names ArleneBretCindyDonEmilyFranklinGertHarveyIreneJoseKatiaLeeMariaNateOpheliaPhilippeRinaSeanTammyVinceWhitney

Thursday, June 4, 2020

What Students Should Do While Waiting for College Admissions Decisions

Fight off Senioritis and Focus on Finishing the School Year Strong This time of year makes for very anxious high school seniors as many wait to hear back from colleges about their admissions decisions. The period between submitting application and receiving decisions can feel like an eternity and often leaves students in an academic limbo with many thinking â€Å"I’ve done all I can and the decision is in the hands of the admissions committee – what else can I do?†The truth is, just because applications are submitted, the school year is far from over and students should proceed like it’s any other semester. Now’s not the time to slack! While waiting for admissions decisions, there’s plenty that students can do to stay involved, pass the time, and maintain academic performance.Here’s what students can do while they wait for admissions decisions:Don’t fall victim to senioritis! You’re finally done with applications and standardized tests (minus those AP exams!), but your school career is f ar from over. As we’ve said before, colleges will see your final transcript and they reserve the right to rescind an offer of admission or financial aid if they see a decline in a student’s grades. While it may seem tempting to skip an assignment or two – you’ll only be hurting yourself. Keep up your grades and academic performance by setting goals for the semester, forming a plan of action for tests and assignments, and working with your friends to keep each other motivated and accountable.Fill out the FAFSA. The FAFSA—or Free Application for Federal Student Aid—is now available, and the sooner you complete it, the better. Even if you think you don’t qualify for aid, complete it anyway. Many colleges use this information for scholarships and other merit aid – so better to be safe than sorry! Also be mindful of state and specific college deadlines. You don’t want to miss out on aid because you waited too late to submit y our FAFSA. Also, look into other ways to fund your college education like private scholarships or even crowd-funding! There are a variety of options out there to help you pay for college – do your research while you wait to hear back about aid and scholarship offers.Explore a new activity. Maybe you have some free time semester – don’t spend it sitting around! Staying idle only leaves you with time to worry and stress over college admissions decisions. Use any free time you have this spring to explore a new activity or interest. Is there a STEM competition you’ve always wanted to enter but never had time? What about an AP exam you can self-study for? Maybe there’s a new club on campus you’re curious about. Just because it won’t go on your activity list doesn’t mean you can’t try out new extracurriculars. You never know – it might inspire you to try out something similar when you get to college!Schedule your summer . Start doing research on ways you can spend your last summer before college productively. Of course you deserve some time off after an especially hectic year, and maybe you’re looking forward to a special trip or simply can’t wait to work your way through a few (non-school) books. However, there are many other ways to take advantage of this â€Å"last† summer break. Start looking into summer courses that might interest you. This is a good way to better explore an area of interest while also gaining some academic credit. Maybe there’s a summer program for graduating high school seniors that you’d like to participate in. Many students choose to spend the summer working and saving some money for the school year. If you already have a part-time job, see if you can take on more hours once you’re free from school commitments. Or take the opportunity to try something completely new! Start applying for jobs or internships that relate to your intend ed major – that way you can gain experience and prepare for the next chapter of your academic career.What do you hope to accomplish in the months leading up to graduation? Let us know in the comments!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Chinas Emergence as a Superpower - 1552 Words

The 19th century belonged to the British. The 20th century belonged to the United States. But the 21st century belongs to China, -- Jim Rogers, Hedge fund manager Chinas population is one of the greatest natural resources on the planet. Its citizens are becoming more educated, diligent, aspiring and comprise nearly a quarter of the worlds population. The combination of Chinas massive size and rapid modernization is creating the framework for an emerging superpower. Chinas growing economy is not only gaining international prestige, but its confidence has soared as it continues to be the worlds fastest growing economy for the past three decades. Chinas rise as a manufacturing base is going to have the same kind of†¦show more content†¦Simple reasoning shows the correlation between productivity and economic growth. The Asian value of saving and investing rather than wasting money on western hobbies such as drunkenness as stated by Mark Twain, is very essential for economic growth. The idea of savings has allowed China to stray away from debt, and ultimately can be applied to understanding Chinas trade surplus1 of $202 billion with the United States. This number is more than just a numerical value when applied to the United States trade deficit1 of $725.8 billion. This surplus depicts the savings and investments of the Chinese and how both have allowed for not only rapid growth of capital stock, but also the shift from the traditional agricultural sector to a more modern sector, which ultimately advocates economic growth. As noted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and the Institute for International Economics , Domestic savings have been more than sufficient to finance the high level of capital formation that has characterized the last three decades of economic growth. Furthermore, the United States has a savings1 rate of zero, whereas Chinas savings1 rate is 34%. The last attribute of the Chinese people with respect to Confucianism is the obedience of the Chinese people. As noted by Sen , Confucius said, When the [good] way prevails in the state, speak boldly and act boldly. When t he state has lost the way, act boldly,Show MoreRelatedChinas Emergence As A Superpower Essay1586 Words   |  7 PagesStates. But the 21st century belongs to China, -- Jim Rogers, Hedge fund manager Chinas population is one of the greatest natural resources on the planet. Its citizens are becoming more educated, diligent, aspiring and comprise nearly a quarter of the worlds population. The combination of Chinas massive size and rapid modernization is creating the framework for an emerging superpower. Chinas growing economy is not only gaining international prestige, but its confidence has soaredRead MoreIs China A Global Superpower?778 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"China is quickly emerging as a global superpower.† The fact is that China is already a global superpower. 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Even allies have found strength in the emergence of a system that fails to conform to previouslyRead MoreChina Goes Global : The Partial Power1650 Words   |  7 Pagesjoins existing scholarship that comments on the implications of China’s rise as a global power. Though many scholars would argue that China has been on the rise for several decades and is due to overtake the United States in several more, Shambaugh argues that this may not be the case. To prove this argument, Shambaugh has researched six dimensions of China’s recent emergence in a comprehensive study. These dimensions include China’s perceptual, diplomatic, governmental, economic, cultural, and militaryRead MoreChina s Become A Global Superpower And Its Transformation From A Development Aid Recipients767 Words   |  4 Pag eson the International Studies related to China as a Ph.D. candidate. During my study in China, I witnessed China’s emergence as a global superpower and its transformation from a development aid recipient to a donor country. This particularly intrigued me more than its language and culture. The transformation was similar to my home country, Korea, but this time I was able to witness it. China’s growing foreign aid started to have a significant impact on the landscape of the global development communityRead MoreWwii And The Cold War875 Words   |  4 Pagesworld. They both had a important role in the development of the world. The Cold War impacted society and politics more so than WWII by aiding countries in hopes of making them join their regime, the use of propaganda techniques to portray the other superpower as weak, the fear of annihilation due to nuclear weapons, and the war between communism and democracy. After WWII, much of Europe was left in ruins and millions of people were left homeless and jobless. Soon, however, America stepped in and helpedRead MoreIs the Rise of the East Viewed as a Threat or an Opportunity?1477 Words   |  6 PagesChina’s ascension to superpower status has caused many Westerners to worry. They worry that China’s sustained growth will hurt their livelihood and economic status. Others, however, see this as an opportunity to exploit new markets and to further world unity. This is an increasingly relevant debate as many have predicted China’s growth to continue at a steady rate in both the short and medium terms. This paper will examine the reality of the potential threats and the extent of the opportunitiesRead MoreThe Economic Powers Of The United States1199 Words   |  5 Pagesgrowing countries in the world. It currently tops the United States when it comes to reserves, economy and the job market. But a few positive points doesn†™t take away from the fact that that United states currently exists as the world’s one and only superpower. Their stabilities don’t amass to the distribution of wealth, political and corporal power that the U.S wields. There is no other nation that comes close to being recognized as hegemony. Looking through history, economic powers and impact of nuclearRead MoreIs Superpower A Superpower?1912 Words   |  8 Pagespredict the (re-)emergence of China as a major power since the First Opium War (1839-42) ,which was fought because of the need of chinese products in Europe but not vise versa. For the rest of the century and the first part of the next century China was not a major power in the East Asian region. In the twentieth century it have changed. Nowadays we hear a lot about China as a superpower. But is China really a superpower or is it slowly becoming one? What is a superpower? The term superpower is used veryRead MoreThe Role Of Liberal Values At The International Level1617 Words   |  7 Pagesinfluence to diminish the role of liberal values at the international level As China is becoming a global power today, China’s views on liberal values are gaining a greater share in the global marketplace of ideas negatively affects America’s national interests, since its growing power and the example of its development could have considerable ideological influence upon other countries. China’s economic rising power has deflected international criticism of its records of democratization and human rights

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Illegal immigration to the United States free essay sample

Summarize briefly why Mr Ramirez came to Los Angeles and why he has to leave. â€Å"Obviously† enough Mr Ramirez came to Los Angeles in the search for a better job and life. Well job, he had a job during the war at an airplane factory making parts, and he kept this job after the war. The reason he had to leave was because he wasn’t allowed to stay there any longer, because his temporary visa was no longer valid. He was there six months too long as well, so the police came and picked him up, to send him back to Mexico. Task2)A There is a famous saying that is nothing more American than Mom and apple pie. This story’s â€Å"mom† just happens to be baking a pie. She looks at her pie and compares it to Mr Ramirez. What attitude toward Mr Ramirez does this comparison encourage? I think our writer; Ray Bradbury wanted to show that illegal immigrants also are human beings. Ray wanted to show that these illegal immigrants can have a positive influence on others. I even think that Mrs O’Brien likes Mr Ramirez more than just a friend; I think she likes him even more. The way she said â€Å"I just realized, I’ll never see Mr Ramirez again† made me think that. She says in a very sad way, like if she lost something very valuable to her. In all those American movies, the moms are very happy for their pies, and they let the pie’s stand in the window frame, and then someone comes and steals it. And now, someone came and took her pie, which is Mr Ramirez. Task 2) B We are given a detailed description of what Mr Ramirez likes about his room, what he spends his money on and what he likes to do in Los Angeles. What do these details reveal to us about why Mexicans like living in the USA? These descriptions start right after â€Å"Soon after Mr Ramirez had arrived.. † just like it wasn’t possible for him to do before he came. Pleasures that are harder to achieve in countries like Mexico are more easily attainable in USA, which is the land where your dreams come true, isn’t it? USA makes it easier for good, hard-working people to be something, and live more greatly. â€Å"Walked silent streets and seen the bright clothes in the windows and bought some of them† Is one of the things he likes to do. He likes to do it, and he does it, the recipe for success. I guess that in Mexico, these things are harder. Task 2) C Mrs O’Brien has been to Mexico. What did she notice? Why do you think all the negative sides of Mexico are in the thoughts of Mrs O’Brian and not Mr Ramirez? Mrs O’Brian remembers the hot days, the endless crickets leaping and falling or lying dead and brittle like the small cigars in the shop windows. She remembers the canals taking river water out to the farms, the dirt roads, and the scorched landscape. She remembers the silent towns, the warm beer, and the hot, thick food every day. She remembers the slow, dragging horses and the parched jack rabbits on the road. She remembers the Iron Mountains and the dusty valleys and the ocean beaches that spread hundreds of miles with no sound but the waves – no cars, no buildings. I believe that the reason Mrs O’Brien think of all the negative sides, and Mr Ramirez doesn’t is because he is used to them. These conditions, this land she came across during her visit is much more of a shock to her, than to Mr Ramirez. Task 2) D Both Mr Ramirez and Mrs O’Brian are suddenly overwhelmed by a feeling of loss at his leaving. Why did the writer not just have Mr Ramirez being sad about never seeing Mrs O’Brian again? I think our writer; Ray Bradbury wanted to show that illegal immigrants are also human beings. Ray wanted to show that these illegal immigrants can have a positive influence on others. As well, I think that the whole story may last in just a couple of minutes, so the author focuses more on detailed description of the character’s story and experience to give us readers a bigger picture, if not the text could be meaningless and quite short. Task 3) A Is this a story that tries to create sympathy for illegal Mexican workers? Does it succeed? I think it tries to create sympathy for those who illegally enter the USA. It does show that Mexican workers have bad living standards where they come from, so it does create sympathy in some ways. I think it’s more that they want a change considering the rules, because those Mexican workers are people too, and they are probably just as good and hard-working as any other American. A story about Mexican workers just trying to live their life to the fullest by doing solid work, and the story confirms this and tries to open up some thoughts surrounding the theme. I think it succeeds; at least I get sympathy for them, so I guess it works. Task 3) B Can literature play a major role in bringing about social change? Is it as effective as documentary films and television programs, or non-fictional books and articles about social problems? Yes, literature can play a great role, but it’s various. A great, well know text can make a difference if it really makes an impression, but I do not think it’s the best way these days to make social problems more known. I believe a movie is the best way, because it reaches out to more people, and gets greater publicity than books. For example the new movie â€Å"The Impossible† about the Tsunami, gives very strong impressions because we can see what happens, and we know it happend in real life. Books don’t reach out to that many people. Task 6) A * How long is the Mexican-American border in miles and kilometres? The Mexican-American border total length is 1,969 miles or 3,141 km long * The 2006 Secure Fence Act says there is going to be a fence along the border. How long will the fence be in miles, and in kilometres? The 2006 Secure Fence Act goal was/is to help and secure America’s borders to decrease the amount of illegal entries, drug trafficking and security threats. A 700 miles (1,100 km) fence of physical barriers alongside the Mexico-United States border. Kilde: ( http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Secure_Fence_Act_of_2006 ) * Approximately how many illegals get across the border every year? Of course, it’s impossible to give an exact number, but the number is somewhere around 375,000 people every year. About 65% of these illegal immigrants come from Mexico and the other 35% come from Southern America. At least according to (http://www. strategicstudiesinstitute. army. mil/pdffiles/ksil499. pdf) * Use the internet to find out how you could legally enter the USA. Is there any way you could enter the USA to work and live there permanently? Start your search by going to the United States Embassy websites. If you are going to live permanently in the USA, you are going to have to get a green card. This means you have to become a permanent resident. The first way to qualify for a green card is by having close family members who lives in the US. The second way of getting green card, is trough employment. Your chances for making this work increase the more skilled you are. In most cases you must show that an employer has offered you a job. The employer must also be able to show that no American was available to do the job. The last option for green card, would be through the diversity lottery. A program encouraging immigration for countries that don’t send many immigrants to the U. S. A small number of green cards will be available to people from these countries. All the qualified applicants will enter a lottery and the winners get the green card and gets allowed to move to USA. https://www. usimmigrationsupport. org/greencard. html * Use the internet to find reliable information about the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 or, in its full name, the Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007. He can feel it. They told him it was going to happen this week, but not sure which day. He stands up and puts his pyjamas pants on, the new one that he bought just some days ago. He stretches out like he always does, making this weird noise because he’s so sleepy. He stands in front of the window, looking out again. He has always been inspired by the rain; it makes him feel comfortable, but not today. Today it just makes him confused. Why would they want to take him? A 10 year old boy, who has done no harm towards anyone. Even though it was raining, the sun was rising in distance, hopefully making a rainbow. Maybe that would cheer him up. Anyhow, he knows that today is the day to leave this reality. Not just all the things in present time, also the future in this place will go away for ever. The government has decided to send Noah and his dad back home, where they once lived, Kurdistan. He can hear his dad walking around downstairs. Not looking for something, just walking around. Probably confused, just like Noah. It has been 4 days since they said they would show within a week, but this had to be the day. Despite Noah’s young age, he was quite aware of what was going on. Noah’s dad has told him that the war in his native land isn’t critical anymore, even safe according to authorities, but Noah knows better. Noah remembers things from when he had to leave the country, he gets flashbacks. He remembers people screaming, and he just stood there crying. He remembers the last time he ever saw his mother and sister, before they were killed by a car-bomb. Noah was only 4 years old at the time, but the memories are stuck in him. He tries to stay positive, but he’s afraid. Afraid of leaving this safe place. Afraid of the memories that are printed in his head. Afraid that he and his dad will share the same faith as his sister and mother, losing everything again. Maybe he won’t have any place to sleep, anything to eat. He is glad he got his dad, but he misses his mother’s comforting words. He doesn’t recall much of her, but enough to know that he misses her. Noah fells a tear down his cheek, just like the ones falling down on his window. Noah’s father didn’t take the loss of his wife well either, he struggled a lot. Noah remembers how he heard his father crying late nights, and he remembers when they got the letter which said they had to go back. Noah looks out the window again, he sees people running around, hiding from the rain under their jackets. He remembers one time, long ago, when his mother, father and himself had to run across town because the rain surprisingly showed up. But Noah didn’t mind, he loved the rain. He hopes it will rain a lot where he is going, it’s his only hope at the moment. Doorbell. Doorbell again. Every sound makes Noah’s heart beat a little faster. He looks outside again, observing the rain, sliding down synchronized with his tears. They were here, it’s time.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Malaysia Essays - Borneo, Maritime Southeast Asia,

Malaysia Malaysia Like many other countries, Malaysia has much history. The country's ancestors came to Malaysian area between 2500 and 1500 B.C. The earliest inhabitants are the Orang Asli of the Peninsula, Penan of Sarawak and the Rungus of Sabah. These people did and still live as nomads. The ancestors migrated from China and India. The next group of people to arrive to the country were the Malays. Many of these people were traders who later settled in Malaysia. Along with the immigrants, the religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam also settled into the inhabitants. As years past, Europeans, including the Portuguese, Spaniards, Dutch, and British, conquered Malaysia, which ended up with Malaysia having its present-day states. The United Kingdom finally took control of Malaysia, colonizing it. Finally, on September 16, 1963, Malaysia became independent as a federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sabah, and Sarawalk. Later on, Singapore left the federation, becoming a separate nation. Malaysia has unique physical features. The Malaysia's area is 320,758 sq. km (127,320 sq. miles) and its land area is 328,550 sq. km; it is a little bit larger than New Mexico. About four-fifths of Malaysia are covered by tropical rain forest. Malaysia's highest peak is the Gunung Tahan, standing 2,187 meters tall (7,175ft) in Peninsular Malaysia. This peak is in one of Malaysia's most mountainous regions. The configuration of the country's land and heavy rainfall formed its many rivers. The longest rivers in Malaya are the Sungai Pahang and the Sungai Perak. The rivers of Sarawak and Sabah are longer than the ones in Malaya or Peninsula. The Rajang of Sarawak is the longest. Malaysia's Crocker Range lies in Sabah, having an average of 457 to 914 meters, dividing the lowland of the northwest coast from West Malaysia's interior. This mountain range ends on Malaysia's and Southeast Asia's highest mountain, Gunung Kinabalu (4,101 m). Sarawak's highest peak is the Gunung Murud. Climate h ere is tropical. This country has monsoons in the northeast (October to February) and southwest (April to October), which controls its climate. The average temperature throughout the year is 26 degrees Celsius, usually high since Malaysia lies in the equatorial zone. The basis of the country's economy was first based on its natural resources: tin, petroleum, timber, copper, iron ore, natural gas, and bauxite. Malaysia's economy industry includes its natural resources, along with electronics, textiles, and transportation equipment. The country's export crops include rubber, palm oil, timber, cocoa, and its food crops are rice, cassava, fish, corn, and sweet potatoes. Malaysia makes $72 billion out of its exports, and $72.2 billion from imports. Its partners in exports are Singapore (21%), USA (20%), Japan (12%), UK (4%), and Germany (3%). Its partners in imports are Japan (26%), USA (17%), Singapore (14%), Taiwan (5%), Germany (4%), UK (3%), and South Korea (3%). The Malaysian population is made up of the Malay and other natives (59%), Chinese (32%), and Indians (9%). The population of Malaysia is an estimate of 21,793,293 and has a population density of 170. The ethnic diversity governs the languages that are spoken in Malaysia and what its religions are. In Peninsular Malaysia, Malay, English, Tamil, and Chinese dialects are spoken. In Sabah, English, Malay, many tribal dialects, and Chinese (Mandarin and Hakka dialects) are spoken. English, Malay, Mandarin, and numerous tribal languages are spoken in Sarawak. Bahasa Melayu is the National Language, but is used only for official purposes. The Peninsular Malaysia's religions consist of Muslim (Malays), Buddhist (Chinese), and Hindu (Indians) beliefs. Sabah's religions include Muslim (38%), Christian (17%), and other religions (45%). Tribal religion (35%), Buddhist and Confucianist (24%), Muslim (20%), Christian (16%), and other religions (5%) make up Sarawak's religions. The type of governme nt is constitutional monarchy and is headed by the paramount ruler (king) and a bicameral Parliament. The Malaysian culture is different from others. Malaysian holds religious festivals. There are the Islamic Festivals, which are the Hari Raya Haji and Hari Taya Puasa. For the Chinese, there is Chinese New Year. A Buddhist festival is a holiday celebrating the birth of Buddha and is known as Wesak Day. The Hindu festivals are Deepavali, Thaipusam, and Thai Ponggal. The Christian Festival is Christmas. One last festival, the Sikh, include the birthday of Guru

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Explanation and Chart of Ser Versus Estar

Explanation and Chart of Ser Versus Estar There are few things more confusing for beginning Spanish students than learning the differences between ser and estar. After all, they both mean to be in English. Differences Between Ser and Estar One way to think of the differences between ser and estar  is to think of ser as the passive verb and estar as the active one. (The terms arent being used in a grammatical sense here.) Ser tells you what something is, the nature of its being, while estar refers more to what something does. You might use soy (the first-person present of ser, meaning I am) to explain who or what you are, but youd use estoy (the first-person present of estar) to tell what you are being or doing. For example, you might say, Estoy enfermo for I am sick. That would indicate that you are sick at the moment. But it doesnt tell anyone what you are. Now if you were to say, Soy enfermo, that would have a different meaning entirely. That would refer to who you are, to the nature of your being. We might translate that as I am a sick person or I am sickly. Note similar differences in these examples: Estoy cansado. (I am tired.) Soy cansado. (I am a tired person. My nature is to be tired)Estoy feliz. (Im happy now.) Soy feliz. (I am happy by nature. I am a happy person.)Est callada. (Shes being quiet.) Es callada. (Shes introverted. Shes naturally a quiet person.)No estoy lista. (Im not ready.) No soy lista. (Im not a quick thinker.) Another Approach to Ser vs. Estar Another way of thinking about the two verbs is to think of ser as being roughly equivalent to equals. Another approach is that estar often refers to a temporary condition, while ser frequently refers to a permanent condition. But there are exceptions. Among the major exceptions to the above way of thinking is that ser is used in expressions of time, such as Son las dos de la tarde for Its 2 p.m. Also, we use estar to indicate someone has died- quite a permanent condition: Est muerto, he is dead. Along that line, estar is used to indicate location. Estoy en casa. (I am at home.) But, soy de Mà ©xico. (I am from Mexico.) Ser, however, is used for the location of events: La boda es en Nuevo Hampshire. (The wedding is in New Hampshire.) There are also a few idiomatic expressions that simply need to be learned: La manzana es verde. (The apple is green.) La manzana est verde. (The apple is unripe.) Est muy bien la comida. (The meal tastes very good). Note that sometimes estar is often modified by an adverb such as bien rather than an adjective: Estoy bien. (Im fine.) Although rare, there are a few situations where you can use either ser or estar. A married man  describing his marital status could say either Soy casado or Estoy casado. He might be more likely to use soy because he considers being married as part of his identity, although he might use estoy to indicate that he had been married recently. Present Conjugation of Ser and Estar Both ser and estar are irregularly conjugated. Heres a chart of the indicative present tense: Pronombre Ser Estar Yo soy estoy Tà º eres ests Él, ella, usted es est Nosotros somos estamos Vosotros sois estis Ellos, ellas, ustedes son estn Sample Sentences Susana es atenta y con buena comunicacià ³n. (Susana is thoughtful with good communication skills. Ser is used with a personal quality.)Susana est atenta a la situacià ³n de su amiga. (Susana is attentive to her friends situation. Estar is being used to characterize behavior.)Roberto es nervioso como mi hermano. (Roberto is as nervous of a person as my brother is. Ser is used here for describing what kind of person someone is.)Roberto est tan nervioso como mi hermano. (Robert is as nervous as my brother is now. Estar is used for an emotional state that is independent of personal qualities.) Quick Takeaways Ser and estar are the two verbs most frequently used as the equivalent of the English to be.Ser typically is used in describing the nature of someone or something.Estar typically is used in referring to a state of being that isnt necessarily innate.